I'm a busy person. I go to school, do homework, hang out with friends, and of course watch television. I'm not very good at multitasking, at most I can sleep and breathe. Forget walking and texting, I run into things. But when it comes to watching a show or movie, I watch when my brain hurts and I need a break from the every day hustle and bustle. I put it on, grab a snack and watch. Food and tv go well together: making dinner and watching tv; eating dinner and watching tv; cleaning up after dinner and watching tv. Even then I watch a show I'm interested in or the news so I can be informed. Other than that, I don't want my entire life to be engulfed in this seemly "magical rectangle".
When I was with boys, I would come home for dinner, make some nom nom, and turn on Netflix. We went through:
American Horror Story, season 1
Digimon, season 1 (focusing mostly on when they ultimate digivolved)
How I Met Your Mother, all the seasons on Netflix
Heroes, season 1 and 2 (after that, it just get's bad)
and multiple documentaries (I recommend Happy, Craigslist Joe and Miss Representation)
We would get obsessed with a tv show and watch it to watch it. I wouldn't even have to ask if they would want to watch it. The conversation would go:
I walk into the apartment.
Ben: "Heroes?"
Me: "YES!"
Ben: "Cool."
Turn on tv and Netflix and watch episodes on episodes.
TV was such a social activity as well. When it was on, we would all leave our rooms like we were zombies interested in eating someone and navigate ourselves onto the couches. We'd watch and talk about our days.
But alas, as guys, they leave ESPN on ALL THE TIME. Who is watching that recap of the Cowboys vs. Eagles? No one. Or the highlights from yesterdays game. No one is in the room. I've seen this clip for the 100th time. Boys and ESPN are like girls and HGTV or reruns of classic shows (Boy Meets World, Full House, etc.). The girls who I'm living with now are pretty good about turning the tv off when they leave the room. Mostly I think it's because they all have one in their rooms.
It's not as social anymore. At night when everyone is cooling down from the days work, they all go to their rooms and watch their tv shows. Already I've needed a tv watching buddy and have jumped into Kayla's bed (1. because it's comfier than mine and 2. because I feel that I need someone else to laugh at all the stupid jokes the characters make on tv).
So of course, I caved: I'm borrowing a small tv in my room this semester. Now that I can watch episodes of the Newsroom and Girls, I may never leave this room. Possible I'll bring back slumber parties and make forts cool again so people can come to me and I don't have to leave. I'll get the best of both worlds: socializing with the pals while experiencing it all from the comfort of my bed and snuggling with my stuffed animal squirrel.
-with luv,
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