Monday, March 10, 2014

Quarter Past Dinner and Snack Time

For the past semester I thought I was a good cook. I would find a recipe on Pinterest or who knows where and then whip out the dinner. Done. I would offer it to the guys and they would eat it up and tell me I was great. But after this semester, my entire life as I knew IS A LIE...

Girls make the most amazing food. Or if they make the food, they like to share. Which is awesome when it comes to food. Literally I'm sitting playing on Pinterest and Rachel asked if we want chocolate pudding. CHOCOLATE PUDDING. Hell yea. No one says no to chocolate pudding.

Living with guys, I was the one who offered to share my dinner most of the time. It was a real confidence booster when they would eat it in minutes. (I'm sure that was because they were hungry, not because the food was editable.) With the guys we had a family dinner night a couple times. I would have to thank Alec for that (aka roommate of the month five months in a row). He's a real crowd pleaser (and girls-he's single). Though the main dish after Thanksgiving was left in the fridge for over three's safe to say that those leftovers and the dish (for a safety precaution) where thrown away.

While with girls, there's sharing of little food here and there:
"Hey Katrina, want some carrots?" "Yea, thanks!"
"How about some homemade macaroni?" "Obviously, gimme some."
"What about some chicken noodle soup?" "YES."

Ok I'll admit, these were all said from my roomie Rachel. So maybe it's just Rachel feeding me, SOMEONE has to to since I'm apparently not a good cook.

I also hate touching raw meat and cracking open eggs. The second I do, it is a must to wash your hands. Otherwise, the disgusting germs from the uncooked food could get from your hands to the counter, onto someone else's hands, where they touch the doorknob, and I-after I had washed my hands-now touch the doorknob, and then eat cheese curls, then lick my fingers. I could get salmonella poisoning or some other disease!

SO I will leave you with two simple ideas:
1. Next time you happen to be butchering some raw meat think about the cheese curls!
2. If you happen to visit me, ask Rachel for food, your tummy will never be happier! (:

with luv,

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